Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. Help for Everyone
  2. Ex-Students and Leavers

Ex-Students and Leavers

Most of our young people leave us at year 11, 12 or 13 (age 16/17 or 18). Transition meetings, annual reviews, careers meetings and our independent careers advice service help with transition but we are still available to signpost you to additional hep and support after you have left us. 

If you need some help, are worried about anything that you think we might be able to help you with or want to get in touch please do so using the form below

Past students

My young person is about to leave Foxwood. What does this mean?


A large part of Preparation for Adulthood is thinking and learning about the future


At 14-19 we work hard to maximise opportunities after Foxwood.  We want our students to feel a sense of ownership over their own futures, leaving Foxwood with confidence to transition to a new and exciting phase in their lives. 


At students’ annual review meetings (which happen every year as part of the EHCP process) the aspects of Preparing for Adulthood will be carefully considered. 


The adults who work with students, parents/carers and  hopefully the student themselves will think about outcomes to work towards to support their interests and goals for later life.  This review process is a great opportunity for us all to work together towards a common aim.  For some students this might be independent travel training and doing courses at local school.  For others this might be about getting used to being in different places in the community. 


To help make informed decisions about future placements we hold a transition evening once a year which colleges, training providers and other organisations attend.  This allows parents/carers and students to find out about opportunities available to them.  (See the link below for our latest transition evening booklet.) Our coffee mornings enables parents/carers to find out about support available from the local authority and other support networks. 


During their time in the 14-19 phase students will have the chance to visit different colleges for open days but also to attend a college-run course.   We have external visitors who come into school to talk about different roles both from an employer’s/service provider’s perspective but also an employee’s/service user’s perspective.  In addition all students have a careers interview with an independent careers advisor where they get a chance to share their interests and aspirations.  The advisor will summarise this and outline different options in a report. 


When the time comes the ICDS, the local authority transition team and school will support consultations and applications to your student’s chosen providers. 

Be assured that you will always be able to get support if you should want or need it.





Work experience, ex-student residential, activities and testimonials 

The young people start lessons in employability from when they start at Foxwood. Some older students have longer placements working in and around the Academy, at local schools and in the local community. Some of the clips below are examples of the things that they might do.


We try to organise activities to ensure that young people can maintain peer groups. Some of the clips below are the thoughts or some of our ex-students and leavers


Important* You have given us permission to use your video, Thank you!

We will review this every year BUT if you want us to remove it please contact Sam Marshall or phone 0115 9177202  and we will do so.