Careers & Employability Offer
Preparing our young people for life beyond Foxwood has always been central to the work we do. Foxwood has a long and successful history of helping students develop their understanding about the world of work.
We regularly post upcoming events such as transition fairs, college open days and Employers' events on our school Facebook page. Please follow and check the page for regular updates.
The following links outline and give further details of:
1) Foxwood's Careers Strategy which reflects the Government's Careers Strategy (December 2017): “making the most of everyone’s skills and talents” and
2) Gatsby Benchmarks 'What Good Provision Looks Like' at Foxwood
Gatsby Benchmark & Compass+
The Government's Careers Strategy (December 2017) has given us the opportunity to review our offer using the Compass Toolkit and to develop it further to ensure we are covering all of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
The careers strategy is part of the government’s plan to make Britain fairer, improve social mobility and offer opportunity to everyone.
Gatsby Benchmarks
Benchmark 1: A stable careers programme
Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information Benchmark
Benchmark 3: Addressing the needs of each pupil Benchmark
Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers Benchmark
Benchmark 5: Encounters with employers and employees Benchmark
Benchmark 6: Experiences of workplaces Benchmark
Benchmark 7: Encounters with further and higher education Benchmark
Benchmark 8: Personal guidance
Our designated careers leader reviews our careers programme termly as part of our Compass report, reviewing how we are meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks. Our next review will be December 2024.
The Academy has a designated Careers Leader, Laura Wright, whose role is to co-ordinate all the careers and employability activities across the Academy.
Email: Telephone: 0115 9177202.
Please find our most recent Compass evaluation completed in July 2024
In addition to the work done within the classroom, all students in Year 9 and above have access to independent impartial careers advice and guidance from a fully qualified and registered Careers Advisor, Lynn Addison Ideas4Careers Ltd.
Management of provider access requests
This section sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. A provider wishing to request access should contact the school's careers leader.
To apply for access to be a provider please view the document here
Monitoring, Review and Evaluation
Evaluations with students, teachers, parents/carers and providers take place after career-related events so we can assess the effectiveness and impact of the event. Evaluations are carried out and will take the form of questionnaires, evaluation forms, and feedback on aspects of the programme, as required. Assessment in Employment lessons takes place through verbal feedback, observation and written assessment. Each pupil will have a record of the activities they have participated in relating to careers. Each individual student also has a careers plan which follows them through school. This is created during their 1:1 careers meeting with our independent careers advisor and updated annually. This plan is also monitored and use by teachers during tutor times and employment specific lessons.
Our Supported Internships/Work Related Learning information can be found here
Employer engagement
Every academic year all secondary aged pupils are provided with the opportunity to have a meaningful external employer encounter. In previous years we have had companies such as Amazon, Tesco, DoughNotts and Nottingham Forest Football Club provide employment sessions for our pupils. Last academic year all secondary aged pupils attended an employment day with a senior construction manager from the company St.Modwen and focused on the skills required to work within the construction industry.
This information will be reviewed in January 2025.
Links to further information:
The SEND Gatsby Benchmark Toolkit