Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. Parents & Carers
  2. Transition Pack

Transition Pack


Please find below Transition/New Starter documents for the start of this academic year. These must be completed and returned to the Academy if your child is offered a place.

Please click below to download the School Jotter app and search for Foxwood Academy.


 11. FSM Application Form 2024.pdfDownload
 12. Home-School Agreement 2024.docDownload
 13. Pupil Premium Letter 2024.docDownload
 14. Uniform Price List and Order Form 2024.doc.pdfDownload
 15. Privacy Notice - Parents 2024.docDownload
 16. Privacy-Notice - Pupils 2024.docDownload
 17. School Term Dates 2024.pdfDownload
 18. Food allergies and Dietary requirements 2024.docDownload
 19. Seizure Information 2024.docDownload
 20. Medical Care Letter 2024.docDownload
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